Thursday, May 22, 2014

TBT: Crayon Cups Up For Grabs!

I know. You are thinking to yourself: "What ARE these, and why is she posting them as a TBT tag? Well, these plastic crayon mugs are an example of what happens when you clean out big, bad closets and storage areas that you didn't know existed in your building. Or, these plastic crayon mugs are an example of items that wind up in the youth services department after the facilities manager cleans out the big, bad closets and storage areas.

For awhile - I was stumped. I've worked in Suffolk county libraries since 1999, and had never seen these mugs before. Were they old summer reading prizes? Leftovers from a preschool services grant? And, if they were from pre-1999, then just how old were they anyway? As I explored more, I noticed one of the boxes was labeled "SCLS staff picnic", so I went to talk to a staff person who had worked here far longer than me - and I found out that they were given to children of employees who had attended the staff picnic.

A nice idea - but that soft plastic straw and box that looks like it was from the 80s made me think that these should no longer be used as sippy cups.

SO - why this post? Because I happen to have 129 of these mugs in assorted colors sitting in my office. And I think that YOU should comment below with your name, library, and an amount that you would like to receive. They would make terrific crayon containers for craft programs, or glue stick holders, etc... The possibilities to recycle them in a craft program, or just to organize your department, are pretty endless actually! So make a comment already - first come, first served until all 129 are accounted for. Maybe 128. I might need to hold onto one for nostalgia sake.


  1. Lisa I think that you may get to keep them all :)

    1. Erika, you know that you want one... or three... or 54!

  2. Those are about as raffle prizes? I could use some for our treasure chest at Longwood for sure!

    1. I will send some Longwood's way - if you want a specific amount, let me know.

  3. I think they're awesome. They'd be great to replace the crayon jars I'm using now for my book buddies program - the same ones that have been around longer than I've been at the library (9 yrs). If you're willing to part with 13, I'll take them in multiple colors. Thanks!

  4. These are amazing. Any chance you can send 10 of them to Lindenhurst?

    1. Yes - look for them early next week (after BEA)

  5. Would you send 10 to Comsewogue in assorted colors? I would like to use them for crayon jars as well.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. These are great! So happy I signed into this wonderful blog. Can you send 10 to Bayport-Blue Point?

    1. Gail, I'm so glad you like the blog so far! I will send you 10 shortly!

  8. Hi Lisa,
    I think they are super cute...could we have 10 at Longwood?
    Kim :)

  9. Hi Lisa, If you still have some left, we'll take 10 at East Islip. Thank you!

  10. Hi Lisa,
    I imagine if they were marketed today, Binney & Smith might sue. We would love some (5) at Riverhead.

    1. Hmmm.. since I just posted on "faking cultural literacy" I will not lie and say I know who Binney & Smith are! I will go Google them instead! And then, send you five crayons :-)

  11. Hi Lisa, If they're still available can you please send 8 to Smithtown Main? Many thanks!!

    1. I will send them after BEA this week Eileen!

  12. Do you have any left?! I need 2!!

  13. If you have any left I would love one or two sets of four. Thank you!

  14. I have been looking for these. Nieces and nephews used these when they were little and now always look for them when visiting for their children. If you have any left I would really like to have at least four. Can you please let me know so I do not have to continue my research. Thanks very much.

    1. Would you have any idea where I might purchase these?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I'll take six -- multiple colors please.

  17. Any chance you still have some of these crayon mugs available? I grew up with the same mugs as a child and now I'm hoping to find them for my daughter. Thank you very much!!

  18. Any chance I could have 8 of them sent to the Dunlap Public Library in Dunlap, IL?
