Monday, May 5, 2014


Do you feel that you or your teens are being accurately represented in today's YA lit? 

Are they able to see themselves on the pages, covers and in the stories of these novels? 

If you don't think so it is time to make your voice heard by using #WeNeedDiverseBooks on all forms of social media. Twitter, Tumblr, etc. are being taken over by those who want to see themselves on the pages of young adult literature. In the photo above you can see that the books are out there, but they are far and few between. What the people at Diversity in YA are saying is that not everyone is a white guy. Even if the reader is a white guy he may be a jock, nerd, gay, blind, etc. While the pages of our books are black and white the readers can't be categorized that simply. When it comes down to it teens are looking for support from what they read. If they can't find themselves on the shelves how will they be able to fully relate to the literature? DIYA is interested in changing the status quo. Here are the five tips they offer on how you can help:

1. Look for diversity.

Make a conscious effort to seek out books to read that feature characters of color, LGBT characters, and/or disabled characters. They may not be front-and-center at your local Barnes & Noble; you may have to look around a bit or go online to find them.

2. Support diversity.

Support the diverse books that are published today by buying them, by checking them out at your library, or by requesting that your library buy them.

3. Recommend diversity.

If you use Goodreads, Facebook, social media, or have a blog, talk up the books you love that happen to have diverse characters. Tell your friends! Word of mouth is still key in bringing awareness to books. And remember: You don’t need to recommend them solely for their diversity — they’re great books to enjoy, plain and simple.

4. Talk up diversity.

When discussions around diversity in literature occur online, join in the conversation if you can to express that you do want more diverse books to read and that the issue is important to you.

5. Don’t give up.

There will always be people who dismiss “diversity” as meaningless. They are the reason we must keep fighting for representation. We’re all in this together.

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